Wednesday, October 10, 2018

John McCain’s greatest lesson was 'to forgive' and 'see the good' in opponents'

Quinn Scanlan and Roey Hadar, two reporters for ABC News, wrote the piece "John McCain’s greatest lesson was 'to forgive' and 'see the good' in opponents: Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake" on August 26th, 2018, to honor John McCain after his passing. It's a short and sweet article just explaining who John McCain was and to show that he was admired by many, even those who would've been considered his opponents. 

I think it's an article worth reading because it shows a side of the government I wouldn't say is very commonly shown in the news and it is something just to put a lighter tone in today's world. The article explains the impact that McCain had on different people, such as House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. It taught me a side of McCain that I didn't know, as in reality the last time I had heard about him I was seven years old hearing my parents talk about the election. Since I'm just starting to get interested in politics as I'm getting closer to the age where I can vote, it really showed me that politics shouldn't be viewed as a "them vs. us" situation and that it's important to remember "to forgive" and "to see the good in [our] opponents."

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