Saturday, December 8, 2018

"Paid Parental Leave" Commentary

I think Juliet Government Fall made an excellent point about paid family leave in her commentary. I agree with her that families should be provided more time to be with their children, especially newborns. Infancy is a critical development period where if babies don't get the nurturing and socialization they need, their life can be significantly affected by this period. So by increasing the amount of time that both parents are available to spend with their children during this period would do wonders. I think Juliet made some excellent points, especially in regards to how the USA should be focusing on "lowering suicide rates and creating a better family environment." I really do think that the US needs to reform their family leave accommodations. America loves to be the "best country" and the "land of the free," but how can America have any claim of that when they can't even give its citizens the freedom to raise their baby without fear of losing their job or struggling to make it barely? If America really wants to be the country it claims it is, it should start to focus on its citizens, first and foremost. 

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